Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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1 Subject

Discussion and Response, Week 3: Culturally Sensitive Care

Discussion and Response, Week 3: Culturally Sensitive Care

Q Please read: Derman-Sparks, L. (2013). PITC Guide to Culturally Sensitive Care, Chapter 2: Prejudice Bias Inequity in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers, p. 13-24 (Links to an external site.) Initial Post: Respond with a paragraph each to two of the following: What key insights did you gain about culturally sensitive care? What sparked your interest for further learning? How does the information you learned relate to your work, family or life experience? What ideas from the reading do you think are especially important to implement in Early Childhood Settings? How can we move forward with this? Reply Post: After reading the posts of your classmates, comment on at least one post that catches your interest: (submit initial post by September 7, 9 am - will discuss in class, and reply post by September 7, 11:59 pm) What new information or perspective did you learn from your classmate's post? What do you agree with, or what (respectful) different viewpoint can you offer to their video response? Aim to reply to a peer that has not received a response yet. Feel free to check back and reply to your responses!

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Some key insights/ interesting information that wanted me to learn more was about systematic characteristics in the companies where human service professionals, such as infant/toddler care teachers, operate. These negative signals may include unexamined policies, practices, and attitudes that benefit certain groups but disadvantage others. Even in the first year of life, the cumulative effect of information as to who counts influences what children develop to interpret and feel about themselves and others